
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Discovery

 As parents of autistic or special needs children, we are all familiar with the feelings of doubt or guilt that might be associated with your child's diagnosis. We all have our own unique stories to share about what happened when we discovered our child had special needs and I thought it might be helpful to share some of those stories. Some time ago, I asked for some parents to come forward if they were willing and share what happened when they found their child was autistic. Two very wonderful women responded and have given me permission to share their stories and I will share my own personal experience as well. As always, feel free to comment if you have any thoughts to include or if you would like to share your own personal story. I am interested and intrigued to discover all the many way different ways of handling an autistic diagnosis.  Nancy Nancy has a son who is on the spectrum. She said that she couldn't help but compare him to his sixteen month older sister and notic...

What Autism Can Do

 If you are like me, there must have been some apprehension upon finding your child was diagnosed with autism. There were many questions that went through my head. How do I help my child? Will my child ever be able to function as an independent adult? Will I always have to care for my child? These questions can be daunting and concerning. Since we already know that the spectrum for autism is so expansive, I thought it might be helpful to discuss some successful individuals who are on the spectrum.  Amadeus Mozart Mozart was an Austrian composer born January 27, 1756 and was probably the most prolific composer of the classical period. He was a child prodigy with music, possessing a perfect musical memory and an amazing gift for reading music. Mozart was so sensitive to sound that loud noises could make him feel physically sick.  Mozart suffered from multiple social disorders. He had problems with self control and oftentimes engaged in dangerous behavior. Even his music dem...