Welcome to The Puzzle Piece


The purpose of this blog is to create a safe space to discuss your different ideas and thoughts about autism. The intent is not meant to replace the relationship between your autistic child and healthcare provider. If you suspect your autistic child, relative or friend is in danger, contact your local authorities. 

This is a safe place for you to ask questions or offer your suggestions to others. This is not a place to start debates or arguments. You may express your opinions on a topic; however, always be respectful when speaking with one another. This blog is to offer support. Harassment or bullying of any kind will not be permitted here. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to mention them in the comments below. I will do my best to answer any questions and offer helpful suggestions.

Welcome to The Puzzle Piece

Hello! My name is Jen and I have been dealing with autism for 13 years. My son, Solon, was diagnosed with autism at age 5 and is now getting ready for his 14th birthday (coming soon!). I don't claim to be an expert in the field of autism and special needs. I can only speak from a place of experience while dealing with my autistic son and what works for us. 


While reading these posts and the comments from others, please keep one thing in mind. Once you have met one autistic person, you have met one autistic person. The symptoms of autism can arise at any age and can be different for each autistic individual. 


The spectrum for autism is huge, ranging from those who need constant care to those who can function independently with the capability to take care of their own needs. There is no way to tell how severely one person will be afflicted with autism or why. All we can do is offer our support, understanding and compassion and be helpful whenever we can. 

No Cure

There is no known cure for autism. There also seems to be some debate that if there were a cure, who would cure their autistic loved one and who would not. This is a topic you may feel free to discuss in the comments below.


Because the spectrum of autism is so large, characteristics can manifest in a variety of ways. Some characteristics may include problems socializing with others, a failure to make eye contact, repetitive movements or difficulty maintaining focus for more than a few minutes. Of course, there are several more not listed here. If you suspect your child is suffering from autism or another special needs disorder, I urge you to please have them tested. 

Being autistic can also bring on characteristics of other conditions as well. That doesn't mean the autistic individual is suffering from a different disorder. It only means that they are showing characteristics of other disorders. No matter the severity or degree, autism always deserves our compassion, understanding and respect. 

You Are Affected

Also remember that your autistic child is not the only one being affected by autism. You are as well. Every decision you make for your child is based on autism and your child's unique needs. Don't forget to show yourself the same understanding and respect you would give to your child or anyone in your situation. 

You are going to make mistakes. Understand that, learn from them and move on. You may feel as though you are all alone in your battle with autism. Rest assured, you are not alone. As you begin to learn how to handle different situations and strengthen your relationship with your autistic child, you can move forward with the knowledge that there are so many others just like you. 

The experiences you have had and your knowledge could be invaluable to others. Autism may strike different people in different kinds of ways, but we are all still in the same fight together. Bring your concerns here and we can try to discuss them and perhaps attempt to help you with a solution.

Until next time, stay positive - Jen.


  1. Jennifer, well done! I hope this goes viral. Let me know what the analytics say about this article.

  2. This is very informative thank you

    1. Thanks so much for your interest. I appreciate your support!


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